2024 HIN Phoenix Preview
WestWorld of Scottsdale @ Scottsdale, AZ on July 27th, 2024

This year’s HIN Phoenix Arizona was hosted at WestWorld of Scottsdale (North Hall above photo by Henry Ma / PHM). It was definitely a HOT show with triple digits temperature. I’m just glad this was an indoor event! Ray from ImagesbyRay.net and I was there nice and early (10am) for the load-in. A lot of hot cars were ready and waiting to roll in.

Above: Cars waiting to roll-in. Below: Cars rolled in! Photos by Ray / ImagesbyRay.net

Above: PHM booth photo by Henry Ma / PHM (Wait, where did all the models go? Oh right, they were out and about working the show floor, taking photos with cars and attendees.)

Above: Miss HIN competition (Can you guess who’s the winner here?) Video capture by Henry Ma / PHM

Above: Special appearance – Jae Angel, photo by Henry Ma / PHM

Above: Very sick bikes and super cool display, had to include as I’m a huge bike fan. Photos by Henry Ma

Above: PHM models getting ready for Miss HIN competition. That’s Bella Joy, she’ll be the first to go on stage. Source: Photo by friend of Bella

Above: Bella Joy, photo by friend of Bella

Above from left to right: Luna Bella, Lucia, and Juliana, photos by Henry Ma / PHM
That’s all the preview photos for now, check back soon for more photos and videos!